
[WATCH] Barack Obama and David Attenborough talk Climate Change!

Over the weekend, David Attenborough left his usual workspace of hidden jungles and Arctic oceans to brave a different environment – the Whitehouse.

His venture into the new habitat was to meet with US President Barack Obama to discuss the environmental future of the planet from the President's perspective. However it seemed to be Obama who asked most of the questions.

“Is it possible to get a handle on it (Climate change)?”
- Obama

Obama queried Attenborough. His reply?

“The solutions are global,’
- Attenborough

Indeed they are, and both men agreed that the only way to resolve climate change is through a joint movement that sees all people and all countries actively implement environmental strategies to make a real difference.

“If just one country is doing the right thing, but other countries are not, then we’re not going to solve the problem. We’re going to have to have a global solution to this,”
- Obama

Throughout his life Attenborough has experienced the rise and fall of the natural world. He's witnessed extinctions of various species, the detection of the hole in the ozone layer and the effect of global warming on our precious ecosystems.

Attenborough suggested to Obama that a solution to tragedies like these could come about easily by generating power from renewable sources of energy.

The British Documentarian went on to state that re-establishing a human connection with nature is also a key part of the solution. In order to gain a proper respect for nature, people must rediscover how fragile and beautiful it really is,

“I think what is required is an understanding that the natural world is part of your inheritance. This is the planet on which we live, and we’ve got to protect it.”
- Attenborough

Check out the video below!

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