
10 simple actions to lower your household energy consumption

With the population soaring, each household has a responsibility to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. Here are 10 simple ways to get started!

1. Turn off appliances that aren't in use or are on standby

Reduce your household carbon footprint and be aware of electronic equipment left on when not in use, whether it is phone chargers, gaming consoles, televisions, or lights. It's simple, yet easy to forget and will make a big difference to your electricity bill.

Read about Sydney's LED street lighting project

What you can do

Switch on to turning off

1,407 Tonnes of CO2
savings pledged
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2. Take shorter showers

Keeping your showers to a maximum of four minutes is another simple and effective way to reduce your energy consumption. Fresh water is getting harder to come by. It's important not to take it for granted, especially when so many people don't have access to clean, drinkable water. Perhaps install an egg timer in your shower to ensure that you're not washing away too much time.

Read more: What if your shower kicked you out when you were wasting too much water

What you can do

Install water-saving heads and take 4 minute showers

1,114 Tonnes of CO2
savings pledged
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3. Install solar panels

Generating your own electricity from the perpetual energy from the sun will not only save you money, particularly in the hot Australian climate, but will significantly reduce your carbon footprint. As more people around the world are installing solar panels, a real difference is being made to greenhouse gas output. It also puts more pressure on fossil fuel companies as more of us opt for renewable energy sources.

Don't think solar panels are pretty? Think again!

What you can do

Generate your own solar electricity

1,510 Tonnes of CO2
savings pledged
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4. Hang your clothes on a clothesline instead of using the dryer and wash only full loads of laundry

It's easy to choose a clothes dryer over a clothes line in our busy schedules, but perhaps that's why taking a few moments to be outside and hang your clothes is so important. It may not seem like much, but when you consider that washing your clothes in cold water and hanging them on the line saves 400kg each year for each person, the numbers begin to add up!

Read more: Tips and tricks for line drying your laundry

What you can do

Cold wash and air dry

19 Tonnes of CO2
savings pledged
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5. Collect rainwater for the garden

Rain doesn't always fall into every nook and cranny of the garden, so installing a tank to collect rainwater is a great water-saving option for your household. You can save water from winter to use during dry spells in the summer.

Read more: Sustainable remodelling: how to make your bathroom more energy efficient

6. Leaky tap? Keep a bucket underneath and use the water for the garden

By keeping a container or bucket under a leaking tap or shower head, you can collect water and use it for another purpose, whether watering your garden, rinsing dishes, or filling a bathtub!

You can even use water to keep your fruit and vegetables fresh without plastic

7. Find out where your energy comes from – is it generated by diesel? Coal? Wind?

Knowledge is power! Discovering how your house is powered may be motivational push needed to make the switch to renewable energy sources. Inquire at your local council and start learning.

Read more: These islands prove that 100% renewable energy is possible

What you can do

Learn about energy labelling

0 Tonnes of CO2
savings pledged
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8. Keep a blanket on your couch when it's cold

Don't rush to the heater on cold winter days and snuggle into a blanket or beside a pet instead. By keeping a blanket in close proximity, you'll be less tempted to turn to the heater during your Netflix marathon. Extra points if you knit your own blanket!

Read more: Our top 6 DIY items to knit this winter

9. Insulate your house naturally

A few tricks here and there will make a big difference to the temperature of your house, both during heatwaves and cold spells. Heaters and air conditioners may provide instant relief, but don't come without a cost to both your bank balance and the environment.

Check out these low-energy tips on how to stay cool during Australia's notorious heatwaves

If it's winter where you're reading this, these tips will keep you warm without harming the environment

What you can do

Turn heaters and air conditioners down to reduce energy use

811 Tonnes of CO2
savings pledged
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10. Install low energy lights

Solely the use of the lights in our homes can cause more than 1 tonne of carbon pollution each year. By switching to low energy lights, such as L.E.D. lights, you'll reduce pollution from lights by 80% compared to incandescent globes. L.E.D. lighting is inexpensive and lasts for around 10 years.

Click here to watch the Eiffel Tower light up for 100% renewable energy

What you can do

Install low-energy lights wherever you can in your home

47,725,213,090 Tonnes of CO2
savings pledged
Take action

1 Million Women is more than our name, it's our goal! We're building a movement of strong, inspirational women acting on climate change by leading low-carbon lives. To make sure that our message has an impact, we need more women adding their voice. We need to be louder. Joining us online means your voice and actions can be counted. We need you.We're building a movement of women fighting climate change through the way we live.

Anthea Batsakis Guest Writer, Former Social Media Intern Suggest an article Send us an email

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